In fact the only orchestra score that exists as far as I can tell is a photocopy of a photocopy of this score that was used by the record producer in the ’90s. L.H.: The vocal score, the piano score is printed, but the rest is not.Ī.P.: Oh, my God! And the orchestra here, from Covent Garden, are playing from a manuscript? As far as I know this concerns the conductor’s score, not necessarily the instruments.

So it feels like actually I would rather compare myself than to compare the orchestras, to be honest.Ī.P.: Now, there is this problem with Œdipe ’s score, which is not edited and printed as it should be. And it’s not to say that I’m not proud of the work we did in Bruxelles, but, coming back to it now, five years later, it feels like it’s a very different way of working here. Because one of the things that have become clear to me while rehearsing this time is that Œdipe is a piece that, however much you work at it and however much you think you learned it, actually it’s a piece you have to live with in order to really understand it. L.H.: I think I’d turn the question around and I’d say how can I compare myself these three times. How can you compare these three orchestras? How is this experience? (laughs)Ī.P.: So, there was Bruxelles, then Bucharest, and now the Royal Opera House of Covent Garden. Leo Hussain: It is, yes! I think I must be the only conductor in the world to be able to do it three times. There were nearly 24 hours left…Īlexandru Pătrașcu: So, this is your third Œdipe I think… It was my first contact with this performance as, somewhere in the technical space near the stage, I saw a part of the iconostasis-like set. The dialogue took place in his dressing room at The Royal Opera House, and this is how I got, for the first time, backstage in this extraordinary opera and ballet theatre. It was our first meeting face to face, as the other interview he had given me had been by phone, last year, when he was conducting at Glyndebourne. I met the conductor Leo Hussain the day before the first Œdipe in a series of six, that will end on June 8th.